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Latest press release

RESTORE®, CARDIONOVUM’s innovative paclitaxel-coated balloon for coronary applications has received market approval for China, making it the first drug-coated balloon (DCB) available in China to treat two indications: in-stent restenosis (ISR) and small vessel disease (SVD). The approval was given based on the impressive results from two solidly designed clinical studies in Chinese populations: RESTORE ISR CHINA and RESTORE SVD CHINA.

Upcoming events

Cardionovum® at CIRSE 2024

Cardionovum® is pleased to invite you to visit us at booth #41.


CCL – Lisbon Congress Centre
Praça das Industrias 1
1300-307 Lisbon

Date: Sep 14, 2024–Sep 18, 2024

Latest events

Cardionovum at CIRSE 2021

Cardionovum invites you to participate in 3 scientific presentations in the "Technology Innovations Videos":

  • Sunday 26th
    The SAFEPAX Technology presented by Dr. Michael Lichtenberg.

  • Monday 27th
    The Reflow Study at 2 years follow up. by Dr. Marc Bosiers.

  • Tuesday 28th
    Clinical outcomes with APERTO Balloon. by Dr. Matteo Tozzi.

Date: Sep 25, 2021–Sep 28, 2021

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Cardionovum at EuroPCR 18, 19, 20 May 2021

Cardionovum invites you to participate in on demand interviwes:

  • XLIMIT Trial RCT, with Dr. Luca Testa from Italy.
    Goal: to assess angiographic and clinical performance of the Xlimus Biodegradable Polymer Sirolumus-eluting stent versus a gold standard like Synergy Biodegradable Polymer Everolimus Stent in patients treated with percutaneous coronary angioplasty.

  • Hyper Registry with Dr. Alfonso Ileasi from Italy.
    Goal: Asses the clinical results after a Hybrid Approach in diffuse CAD lesions longer tan 28mm combinig Restore DCB and New generation DES.

Date: May 18, 2021–May 20, 2021

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Cardionovum - Meeting & Symposium at LINC 2020

Cardionovum participates at LINC
Leipzig Interventional Course
You are welcome to visit us at booth no. 19 c

Date: Jan 28, 2020–Jan 31, 2020

Location: Leipzig, Germany

Learn more >>

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