May 18, 2021–May 21, 2021

Cardionovum at EuroPCR 18, 19, 20 May 2021

News from PCR 2021.
Dr. Alfonso Ielasi from Italy presents HYPER Registry.
Hybrid treatment approach combining RESTORE drug coated balloon with new generation drug eluting stent in diffuse CAD.
Lesions longer than 28mm
75 patients, 100% enrolment completed.
SAFEPAX technology.

Dr. Luca Testa from Italy presents XLIMIT Trial.
Xlimus drug-eLuting stent: a prospectIve single-arM study to asses endothelIzaTion.
180 patients, 100% enrollment completed.
Angiographic and clinical performance of the Xlimus Stent. Follow up TVR with OCT.
Xlimus stent. Best Crossing profile on the market! SAFEPAX technology.

Cardionovum invites you to participate in on demand interviwes:

XLIMIT Trial RCT, with Dr. Luca Testa from Italy.

Goal: to assess angiographic and clinical performance of the Xlimus Biodegradable Polymer Sirolumus-eluting stent versus a gold standard like Synergy Biodegradable Polymer Everolimus Stent in patients treated with percutaneous coronary angioplasty.

Hyper Registry with Dr. Alfonso Ileasi from Italy.

Goal: Asses the clinical results after a Hybrid Approach in diffuse CAD lesions longer tan 28mm combinig Restore DCB and New generation DES.

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