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Latest press release

Late-Breaking Xlimit RCT data presented at CSC Congress demonstrate an equivalent performance of the Xlimus® DES in terms of OCT derived endpoints than the Synergy™ DES.

Bonn, Germany. November 16, 2022 – Data presented at Innovation session today at the CSC 2022 congress demonstrated an equivalent performance of the Xlimus® DES in terms of OCT derived endpoints than the Synergy™ DES, including Neointimal Volume and Neointimal Volume weighted by length at 6 months. Secondary endpoints, including other OCT parameters, such as in-stent Minimum Lumen Area (MLA) and percentage of strut coverage as well as clinical endpoints, showed no significant differences between the two groups in any of the evaluated parameters within the Xlimit RCT.

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Prof. Matteo Tozzi discusses about new data bolster safety and effectiveness of Safepax®

Prof. Matteo Tozzi (Varese, Italy) speaks to Vascular News at the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) 2022 annual meeting in Barcelona (Spain) about his new study that analyzes the concentrations of paclitaxel in the bloodstream after the use of a Drug-Coated Balloons (DCBs) in AVFs.

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CARDIONOVUM® announces regulatory approval of APERTO® OTW in Mexico

We are proud to announce that we have received the authorization by the Secretaria de Salud and COFEPRIS to distribute APERTO® OTW in Mexico.

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Cardionovum® announces First Procedure in Hyper II International Clinical Trial.

CARDIONOVUM® today announced the enrollment of the first patient in the International Hyper II Clinical Study

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CARDIONOVUM® announces the first Signature RCT patient enrollment

On June 8th, in Sankt Gertrauden hospital in Berlin, Germany, the first Signature RCT patient has been enrolled

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CARDIONOVUM announces completion of patients enrolment in XLIMIT Trial

Trial designed to evaluate non inferiority of XLIMUS DES vs SYNERGY EES in terms of reendothelialization assessed with OCT in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

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Upcoming events

Cardionovum® at GISE 2024

Cardionovum® is pleased to invite you to visit us at booth #43.


Allianz MiCo - Milano Congressi
South Wing
Viale Eginardo - Gate 2
20149 Milano

Date: Nov 19, 2024–Nov 23, 2024

Latest events


Cardionovum participates in:
9th Annual IAD Conference Interdisciplinary Working Group on Dialysis Access.

We invite you to visit us at booth #7.

Location: Weimar, Germany

Date: Nov 19, 2021–Nov 21, 2021

Cardionovum at CIRSE 2021

Cardionovum invites you to participate in 3 scientific presentations in the "Technology Innovations Videos":

  • Sunday 26th
    The SAFEPAX Technology presented by Dr. Michael Lichtenberg.

  • Monday 27th
    The Reflow Study at 2 years follow up. by Dr. Marc Bosiers.

  • Tuesday 28th
    Clinical outcomes with APERTO Balloon. by Dr. Matteo Tozzi.

Date: Sep 25, 2021–Sep 29, 2021

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Cardionovum at EuroPCR 18, 19, 20 May 2021

Cardionovum invites you to participate in on demand interviwes:

  • XLIMIT Trial RCT, with Dr. Luca Testa from Italy.
    Goal: to assess angiographic and clinical performance of the Xlimus Biodegradable Polymer Sirolumus-eluting stent versus a gold standard like Synergy Biodegradable Polymer Everolimus Stent in patients treated with percutaneous coronary angioplasty.

  • Hyper Registry with Dr. Alfonso Ileasi from Italy.
    Goal: Asses the clinical results after a Hybrid Approach in diffuse CAD lesions longer tan 28mm combinig Restore DCB and New generation DES.

Date: May 18, 2021–May 21, 2021

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